$sSpecies = $HTTP_GET_VARS['s'];;
if (!isset($sSpecies)) {
$query = "select s.speciesid,, s.genus, s.namescientific, s.namecommon, s.namecomalias, s.native, s.status, s.growtype, s.color, s.fruitcolour, s.heightfrom, s.heightto, s.spreadfrom, s.spreadto, s.coverbird, s.covermammal, s.covernesting, s.foodbutterfly, s.foodbee, s.foodmoth, s.foodfly, s.foodhummingbird, s.foodseedbird, s.foodseedwintersource, s.foodseedmammal, s.bloomapr, s.bloommay, s.bloomjun, s.bloomjul, s.bloomaug, s.bloomsep, s.fruittype, s.fruitcolour, s.seedspring, s.seedsummer, s.seedfall, s.seedwinter, s.invasive, s.rhizome, s.slowgrowing, s.fallcolour, s.dioecious, s.thicketforming, s.tallgrassprairie, s.mixedgrassprairie, s.oakforest, s.aspenforest, s.riverbottomforest, s.wetland, s.fullsun, s.partialsun, s.shade, s.dry, s.average, s.wet, s.welldrained, s.moist, s.comments, s.distribution, s.uses, s.mcdcs, f.namescientific as familyscientific, f.namecommon as familycommon from lcll_specieslist as s, lcll_familylist as f where = f.namescientific and speciesid = ".$sSpecies;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
if (mysql_numrows($result) == 0) {header("Location:index.html"); }
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
$speciesid = $row->speciesid;
$famsci = $row->family;
$family = $row->familycommon;
$family = "$famsci";
} else {
$family = "$famsci ($row->familycommon)";
$namesci = $row->genus." ".$row->namescientific;
$namecom = $row->namecommon;
$alias = $row->namecomalias;
$namecom = "$namecom, $alias";
$colour = $row->color;
$fruitcolour = $row->fruitcolour;
$fruit = $row->fruittype;
$uses = $row->uses;
$comments = $row->comments;
$distrib = $row->distribution;
if (!empty($row->heightfrom)) {$height = $row->heightfrom*100; $startFound = true;}
if (!empty($row->heightto)) {if($startFound) {$height = $height." to ".$row->heightto*100;} else {$height = $row->heightto*100;}}
if (!empty($height)) {$height = $height." cm";}
if (!empty($row->spreadfrom)) {$spread = $row->spreadfrom*100; $startFound = true;}
if (!empty($row->spreadto)) {if($startFound) {$spread = $spread." to ".$row->spreadto*100;} else {$spread = $row->spreadto*100;}}
if (!empty($spread)) {$spread = $spread." cm";}
$startFound = False;
if ($row->bloomapr == 1) {$start = "April"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->bloommay == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "May"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "May";}}
if ($row->bloomjun == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "June"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "June";}}
if ($row->bloomjul == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "July"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "July";}}
if ($row->bloomaug == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "August"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "August";}}
if ($row->bloomsep == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "September"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "September";}}
if (!empty($start)){
$bloom = $start;
if (!empty($end)){
$bloom = $bloom." to ";
$bloom = $bloom.$end;
$start = $end = "";
if ($row->seedspring == 1) {$start = "spring"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->seedsummer == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "summer"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "summer";}}
if ($row->seedfall == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "fall"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "fall";}}
if ($row->seedwinter == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "winter"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "winter";}}
if (!empty($start)) {$seed = $start;} if (!empty($end)){if(!empty($start)){$seed = $seed." to ";} $seed = $seed.$end;}
$start = $end = "";
if ($row->fullsun == 1) {$sExposure = "full sun"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->partialsun == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sExposure = "partial sun"; $startFound = true;} else {$sExposure = $sExposure.", partial sun";}}
if ($row->shade == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sExposure = "shade"; $startFound = true;} else {$sExposure = $sExposure.", shade";}}
$startFound = false;
if ($row->dry == 1) {$moisture = "dry"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->average == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "average"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture = $moisture.", average";}}
if ($row->wet == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "wet"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture= $moisture.", wet";}}
if ($row->welldrained == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "well drained"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture= $moisture.", well drained";}}
if ($row->moist == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "moist"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture = $moisture.", moist";}}
$startFound = false;
if ($row->tallgrassprairie == 1) {$habitats = "tall grass prairie"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->mixedgrassprairie == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "mixed grass prairie"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", mixed grass prairie";}}
if ($row->oakforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "oak forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", oak forest";}}
if ($row->aspenforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "aspen forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", aspen forest";}}
if ($row->riverbottomforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "riverbottom forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", riverbottom forest";}}
if ($row->wetland == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "wetland"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", wetland";}}
$startFound = false;
//get nectar source for wildlife
if ($row->foodbutterfly == 1) {$sNectar = "butterfly"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->foodbee == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "bee"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", bee";}}
if ($row->foodmoth == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "moth"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", moth";}}
if ($row->foodfly == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "fly"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", fly";}}
$startFound = false;
//get edible to wildlife
if ($row->foodseedbird == 1) {$sEdible = "bird"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->foodseedmammal == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sEdible = "mammal"; $startFound = true;} else {$sEdible = $sEdible.", mammal";}}
if ($row->foodseedwintersource == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sEdible = "as a winter food source"; $startFound = true;} else {$sEdible = $sEdible.", as a winter food source";}}
$startFound = false;
//get cover to wildlife
if ($row->coverbird == 1) {$sCover = "bird"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->covermammal == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sCover = "mammal"; $startFound = true;} else {$sCover = $sCover.", mammal";}}
if ($row->covernesting == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sCover = "for nesting"; $startFound = true;} else {$sCover = $sCover.", for nesting";}}
$startFound = false;
if ($row->invasive == 1) {$habits = "invasive"; $startFound = true;}
if ($row->rhizome == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "rhizome"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", rhizome";}}
if ($row->slowgrowing == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "slow growing"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", slow growing";}}
if ($row->fallcolour == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "fall colour"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", fall colour";}}
if ($row->dioecious == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "dioecious"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", dioecious";}}
if ($row->thicketforming == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "thicket forming"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", thicket forming";}}
$startFound = false;
$growth = $row->growtype;
switch ($growth) {
case "P": $growth = "perennial"; break;
case "B": $growth = "bienniel"; break;
case "A": $growth = "annual"; break;
$origin = $row->native;
switch ($origin) {
case "N": $origin = "native"; break;
case "O": $origin = "non-native"; break;
$cosewic = $row->status;
switch ($cosewic) {
case "E": $cosewic = "extinct"; break;
case "EX": $cosewic = "extirpated"; break;
case "EN": $cosewic = "endangered"; break;
case "T": $cosewic = "threatened"; break;
case "S": $cosewic = "special concern"; break;
case "D": $cosewic = "data deficient"; break;
case "N": $cosewic = "not at risk"; break;
Case "L": $cosewic = "not listed"; break;
default : $cosewic = "unspecified";
$mcdc = $row->mcdcs;
switch ($mcdc) {
//case ($mcdc <= 7) : break;
case "U": $mcdc = "uncertain"; break;
case "H": $mcdc = "historically present"; break;
case "X": $mcdc = "extinct"; break;
case "E": $mcdc = "exotic"; break;
//default : $mcdc = "unspecified";
//get herbarium id
$haherbid = false;
//$query = "select imglocation, filename from lcll_specieslist as s inner join lcll_images as i on s.speciesid = i.speciesid where (i.herbariumid <> null or i.herbariumid <> '') and s.speciesid=$sSpecies";
$query = "select i.herbariumid from lcll_images as i where i.speciesid = $speciesid and (i.herbariumid <> null or i.herbariumid <> '')";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
if (!empty($row)){
$herbid = $row->herbariumid;
$haherbid = true;
//get number of quadrats
$query = "select id from lcll_quadrat";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
$numQuadrats = mysql_numrows($result);
//get quadrats this species appears in
$query = "select distinct(s.quadrat) as quadrat from lcll_samples as s, lcll_sampledetail as d, lcll_quadrat as q where d.mastersampleid = s.sampleid and s.quadrat = and speciesid = $sSpecies order by asc";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$quadrats[$row[0]] = $row[0];
$inQuadrat = true;
//build javascript to preload images
$query = "select imglocation, filename, imgtype, photographer, datetaken, description from lcll_images where keyimage = 1 and (herbariumid = null OR herbariumid = '') and speciesid=$sSpecies";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
/*preload only if the herbarium image is not the only image*/
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$windowStartImg = "window.gif";
$showArrows = true;
$preloadImages = "var slides = new Array(";
$preloadDesc = "var imgDesc = new Array(";
$preloadSource = "var imgSource = new Array(";
$preloadDate = "var imgDate = new Array(";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
$preloadImages = $preloadImages."'".$imageRoot.cWEbPath($row->imglocation)."m_".$row->filename."',";
($row->imgtype == "Other" || $row->imgtype =="other" ? $preloadDesc = $preloadDesc."'".str_replace("'","\'",$row->description)."'," : $preloadDesc = $preloadDesc."'".$row->imgtype."',");
$preloadSource = $preloadSource."'".$row->photographer."',";
$preloadDate = $preloadDate."'".$row->datetaken."',";
$preloadImages = substr($preloadImages,0,strlen($preloadImages)-1).");\n\t";
$preloadDesc = substr($preloadDesc,0,strlen($preloadDesc)-1).");\n\t";
$preloadSource = substr($preloadSource,0,strlen($preloadSource)-1).");\n\t";
$preloadDate = substr($preloadDate,0,strlen($preloadDate)-1).");\n";
} else {
$windowStartImg = "no-image.gif";
Tall Grass Prairie Herbarium [Landscape Change/Landscape Loss] Species Information
Species name:
Common name(s):
LCLL Catalogue Number:
Blooms during:
Seeds during:
Growth frequency:
Dominant/characteristic colour:
Fruit type:
Fruit colour:
MB Conservation Data Centre:
Value to Wildlife
Nectar source for:
Fruits and seeds edible to/for:
Usage as cover to/as:
/*if(empty($herbid)){echo "no images available";}else{echo " ";}*/?>
mounted sample ";}?>

echo("- Found in quadrat:
echo "- ".$i."
else {
echo "- ".$i."