speciesid; $famsci = $row->family; $family = $row->familycommon; if(empty($family)){ $family = "$famsci"; } else { $family = "$famsci ($row->familycommon)"; } $namesci = $row->genus." ".$row->namescientific; $namecom = $row->namecommon; $alias = $row->namecomalias; if(!empty($alias)){ $namecom = "$namecom, $alias"; } $colour = $row->color; $fruitcolour = $row->fruitcolour; $fruit = $row->fruittype; $uses = $row->uses; $comments = $row->comments; $distrib = $row->distribution; if (!empty($row->heightfrom)) {$height = $row->heightfrom*100; $startFound = true;} if (!empty($row->heightto)) {if($startFound) {$height = $height." to ".$row->heightto*100;} else {$height = $row->heightto*100;}} if (!empty($height)) {$height = $height." cm";} if (!empty($row->spreadfrom)) {$spread = $row->spreadfrom*100; $startFound = true;} if (!empty($row->spreadto)) {if($startFound) {$spread = $spread." to ".$row->spreadto*100;} else {$spread = $row->spreadto*100;}} if (!empty($spread)) {$spread = $spread." cm";} $startFound = False; if ($row->bloomapr == 1) {$start = "April"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->bloommay == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "May"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "May";}} if ($row->bloomjun == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "June"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "June";}} if ($row->bloomjul == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "July"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "July";}} if ($row->bloomaug == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "August"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "August";}} if ($row->bloomsep == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "September"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "September";}} if (!empty($start)){ $bloom = $start; } if (!empty($end)){ if(!empty($start)){ $bloom = $bloom." to "; } $bloom = $bloom.$end; } $start = $end = ""; if ($row->seedspring == 1) {$start = "spring"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->seedsummer == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "summer"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "summer";}} if ($row->seedfall == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "fall"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "fall";}} if ($row->seedwinter == 1) {if (!$startFound){$start = "winter"; $startFound = true;} else {$end = "winter";}} if (!empty($start)) {$seed = $start;} if (!empty($end)){if(!empty($start)){$seed = $seed." to ";} $seed = $seed.$end;} $start = $end = ""; if ($row->fullsun == 1) {$sExposure = "full sun"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->partialsun == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sExposure = "partial sun"; $startFound = true;} else {$sExposure = $sExposure.", partial sun";}} if ($row->shade == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sExposure = "shade"; $startFound = true;} else {$sExposure = $sExposure.", shade";}} $startFound = false; if ($row->dry == 1) {$moisture = "dry"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->average == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "average"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture = $moisture.", average";}} if ($row->wet == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "wet"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture= $moisture.", wet";}} if ($row->welldrained == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "well drained"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture= $moisture.", well drained";}} if ($row->moist == 1) {if (!$startFound){$moisture = "moist"; $startFound = true;} else {$moisture = $moisture.", moist";}} $startFound = false; if ($row->tallgrassprairie == 1) {$habitats = "tall grass prairie"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->mixedgrassprairie == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "mixed grass prairie"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", mixed grass prairie";}} if ($row->oakforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "oak forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", oak forest";}} if ($row->aspenforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "aspen forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", aspen forest";}} if ($row->riverbottomforest == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "riverbottom forest"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", riverbottom forest";}} if ($row->wetland == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habitats = "wetland"; $startFound = true;} else {$habitats = $habitats.", wetland";}} $startFound = false; //get nectar source for wildlife if ($row->foodbutterfly == 1) {$sNectar = "butterfly"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->foodbee == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "bee"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", bee";}} if ($row->foodmoth == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "moth"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", moth";}} if ($row->foodfly == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sNectar = "fly"; $startFound = true;} else {$sNectar = $sNectar.", fly";}} $startFound = false; //get edible to wildlife if ($row->foodseedbird == 1) {$sEdible = "bird"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->foodseedmammal == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sEdible = "mammal"; $startFound = true;} else {$sEdible = $sEdible.", mammal";}} if ($row->foodseedwintersource == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sEdible = "as a winter food source"; $startFound = true;} else {$sEdible = $sEdible.", as a winter food source";}} $startFound = false; //get cover to wildlife if ($row->coverbird == 1) {$sCover = "bird"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->covermammal == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sCover = "mammal"; $startFound = true;} else {$sCover = $sCover.", mammal";}} if ($row->covernesting == 1) {if (!$startFound){$sCover = "for nesting"; $startFound = true;} else {$sCover = $sCover.", for nesting";}} $startFound = false; if ($row->invasive == 1) {$habits = "invasive"; $startFound = true;} if ($row->rhizome == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "rhizome"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", rhizome";}} if ($row->slowgrowing == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "slow growing"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", slow growing";}} if ($row->fallcolour == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "fall colour"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", fall colour";}} if ($row->dioecious == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "dioecious"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", dioecious";}} if ($row->thicketforming == 1) {if (!$startFound){$habits = "thicket forming"; $startFound = true;} else {$habits = $habits.", thicket forming";}} $startFound = false; $growth = $row->growtype; switch ($growth) { case "P": $growth = "perennial"; break; case "B": $growth = "bienniel"; break; case "A": $growth = "annual"; break; } $origin = $row->native; switch ($origin) { case "N": $origin = "native"; break; case "O": $origin = "non-native"; break; } $cosewic = $row->status; switch ($cosewic) { case "E": $cosewic = "extinct"; break; case "EX": $cosewic = "extirpated"; break; case "EN": $cosewic = "endangered"; break; case "T": $cosewic = "threatened"; break; case "S": $cosewic = "special concern"; break; case "D": $cosewic = "data deficient"; break; case "N": $cosewic = "not at risk"; break; Case "L": $cosewic = "not listed"; break; default : $cosewic = "unspecified"; } $mcdc = $row->mcdcs; switch ($mcdc) { //case ($mcdc <= 7) : break; case "U": $mcdc = "uncertain"; break; case "H": $mcdc = "historically present"; break; case "X": $mcdc = "extinct"; break; case "E": $mcdc = "exotic"; break; //default : $mcdc = "unspecified"; } //get herbarium id $haherbid = false; //$query = "select imglocation, filename from lcll_specieslist as s inner join lcll_images as i on s.speciesid = i.speciesid where (i.herbariumid <> null or i.herbariumid <> '') and s.speciesid=$sSpecies"; $query = "select i.herbariumid from lcll_images as i where i.speciesid = $speciesid and (i.herbariumid <> null or i.herbariumid <> '')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); if (!empty($row)){ $herbid = $row->herbariumid; $haherbid = true; } //get number of quadrats $query = "select id from lcll_quadrat"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); $numQuadrats = mysql_numrows($result); //get quadrats this species appears in $query = "select distinct(s.quadrat) as quadrat from lcll_samples as s, lcll_sampledetail as d, lcll_quadrat as q where d.mastersampleid = s.sampleid and s.quadrat = q.id and speciesid = $sSpecies order by q.id asc"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); for($i=0;$i<=$numQuadrats;$i++){ $quadrats[]=""; } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $quadrats[$row[0]] = $row[0]; $inQuadrat = true; } //build javascript to preload images $query = "select imglocation, filename, imgtype, photographer, datetaken, description from lcll_images where keyimage = 1 and (herbariumid = null OR herbariumid = '') and speciesid=$sSpecies"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error()); /*preload only if the herbarium image is not the only image*/ if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $windowStartImg = "window.gif"; $showArrows = true; $preloadImages = "var slides = new Array("; $preloadDesc = "var imgDesc = new Array("; $preloadSource = "var imgSource = new Array("; $preloadDate = "var imgDate = new Array("; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $preloadImages = $preloadImages."'".$imageRoot.cWEbPath($row->imglocation)."m_".$row->filename."',"; ($row->imgtype == "Other" || $row->imgtype =="other" ? $preloadDesc = $preloadDesc."'".str_replace("'","\'",$row->description)."'," : $preloadDesc = $preloadDesc."'".$row->imgtype."',"); $preloadSource = $preloadSource."'".$row->photographer."',"; $preloadDate = $preloadDate."'".$row->datetaken."',"; } $preloadImages = substr($preloadImages,0,strlen($preloadImages)-1).");\n\t"; $preloadDesc = substr($preloadDesc,0,strlen($preloadDesc)-1).");\n\t"; $preloadSource = substr($preloadSource,0,strlen($preloadSource)-1).");\n\t"; $preloadDate = substr($preloadDate,0,strlen($preloadDate)-1).");\n"; } else { $windowStartImg = "no-image.gif"; } ?> Tall Grass Prairie Herbarium [Landscape Change/Landscape Loss] Species Information ">
Family name:
Species name:
Common name(s):
LCLL Catalogue Number:
Blooms during:
Seeds during:
Growth frequency:
Dominant/characteristic colour:
Fruit type:
Fruit colour:
MB Conservation Data Centre:
Value to Wildlife
Nectar source for:
Fruits and seeds edible to/for:
Usage as cover to/as:
scroll up
scroll down



mounted sample  ";}?> \"next";}?>
    0){ echo("
  • Found in quadrat:
  • "); for($i=1;$i<=$numQuadrats;$i++){ if(!empty($quadrats[$i])){ echo "
  • ".$i."
  • \n"; } else { echo "
  • ".$i."
  • \n"; } } } ?>