Virtual Hike Stops
1. The Wolf Willow
Jonina discusses the characteristics and cultural significance of the wolf willow.2. Wolf Willow
Jonina discusses the historical uses of wolf willow seeds.3. Winter Weather Patterns
Join Jay Anderson as he talks about prairie winter weather patterns.4. Cumulus Clouds in Spring
Join Jay Anderson of Environment Canada as he observes cloud formation over the prairie.5. Tall Grass Prairie Weather
Join Jay Anderson as he describes typical weather patterns in the tall grass prairie region of Manitoba.6. Wild Licorice Plant
Explore the dispersal of wild licorice burs on the prairie.7. Alfalfa
Join Jonina as she examines the seed of the common alfalfa plant.8. Dwarf Milkweed
Jonina investigates the milkweed seed and its methods of dispersal.9. Two Common Tall Grass Prairie Grasses
Lori introduces two common grasses on the preserve, big bluestem and side oats grama.10. Goldenrod
Jonina illustrates wind dispersal of goldenrod seeds.11. Bison Wallow Beginnings
Jonina helps to shed some light on the presence of prairie depressions.12. Bison Wallows and Seed Dispersal
Discover how seed dispersal is aided by bison.13. Bison Wallows and Species Diversity
Jonina discusses the effect on species diversity that bison wallows create.14. Ground Plum
Dr. Robson takes a closer look at prairie plums.15. Cinquefoil
Join Jackie in discovering a common adaptation of prairie plants.16. Silver Leaf Psoralea
Discover why this area of Winnipeg is known as ‘Silver Heights’.17. Hoary Puccoon
Dr. Robson investigates the unique structure of Hoary Puccoon in terms of pollination.18. Pollination Study
Dr. Robson shares her field research on prairie insect pollinators.19. Sage
Join Jackie in exploring the unique characteristics and cultural significance of prairie sage.20. Ants
Explore a thatching ant hill, and discover the unique life history of these important creatures.21. The Red Buffalo
John Morgan discusses the role of fire on the prairie.22. Savannahs
Living Prairie has Oak Savannah?23. The Prairie Crocus
Join Rod as he discusses the unique adaptations of the prairie crocus.24. The Saskatoon Berry Plant
Investigate the characteristics and uses of the wild saskatoon.25. Cool and Warm Season Grasses
Learn about the different reproductive methods of cool and warm season grasses.26. Halloween at Living Prairie Museum
Hear the stories of the prairie past as told by ghostly visitors.27. Prairie Restoration
Observe the results of a restoration project on the preserve.
Virtual Prairie Quadrats
Quadrat 1
Are prairie crocuses still thriving in the City?Quadrat 2
Look what the housing development blew in!Quadrat 3
From out of the ashes springs new life.Quadrat 4
Only the hardy survive.
Bison wallow
What are prairie potholes? Glacial remains or depressions caused by bison.Field
See a field of litter!Burn area
Observe the fertility of the prairie after a spring visit from the "Red Bison"Edge of the prairie
Try to identify the aliens on the edge of the prairie.Restoration
After 25 years what does a prairie restoration look like?
View from the observation deck on a rainy day. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Prairie Crocus opens its petals to signify the return of spring. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Richardson's ground squirrel checks for danger outside its burrow. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Dragonfly rests on the brittle stem of a showy milkweed plant. Photo by Lori Nichols.
Mourning Cloak butterfly rests its delicate wings. Photo by Lori Nichols.
Richardson's ground squirrel gathers food just outside its burrow. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Evidence that white-tailed deer are common visitors to the preserve. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun
Tent caterpillars begin their lives amongst the prickly stems of the low prairie rose. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
White-tailed fawn feeds quietly among the wolf willow. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
The rare ground plum thriving in the area of a recent controlled burn. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Evidence that rabbits are common visitors to our winter landscape. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Tracks in the snow. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Colony of thatching ants busy at work. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Bison wallow filled with spring rains. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
A beautiful summer sky on the preserve. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
The vibrant red of the lily bursts upon the prairie scene. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
A visit from the red buffalo. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
Snow blankets a gall on the low prairie rose. Photo by Jan Guenther Braun.
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